Sunday, March 25, 2012

What's the Surprise?

I named my blog the same thing as my business name, Justine's Surprise! But what is the surprise you ask, well let me tell you. Let me first tell you the backstory behind the name. Probably 6 years ago while at my friends parents house for a family dinner we were talking about bras. If you know me you know that this subject comes up way too often! We started talking about the fact that nobody carries big enough bra sizes. I then blurted out that one day I was going to open my own lingerie store that carries all bra sizes and name it "Justine's Surprise!". My catch phrase was going to be " She may have a secret, but I have a Surprise!". It was a very weird dinner. The Justine's Surprise comment stuck around as a joke for a long time. Then one day when it came time to choose a business name for a website my husband chose Justine's Surprise!. I was embarassed at first. I have now come to embrace this name. I believe alot of things in my life have come as a surprise to others.

What I do as a business was a big surprise to most of my friends and family. You see growing up I was a tomboy, and then I became a firefighter, and I studied Biology. I opted to stay home with Caleb when he was 10 months old and found myself often bored. I picked up sewing as a hobby. Sewing seemed so out of left field to my friends and family that it was a huge surprise when I was actually pretty good at it. I just kept trying new projects and trying new things and then people started paying me to make things for them and then it became a business.

Through this blog I want to share some of my projects and of course some of the other surprises in my life!


  1. Soooo, do you make bras?? Because I would totally buy them! :)

  2. I'm still working on this, but would love to someday design and make bras...I will keep you posted ;)
